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importing powerpoints doesn't work in ubuntu

July 28, 2020
How can I import powerpoints into worship extreme on an ubuntu (linux) computer that does not have powerpoint installed? My church uses open office or libre office which can open/read powerpoints but so far the only way I can import my pastors sermon slides is to export them as images and then manually make my own slide show in worship extreme. An unnecessary process I feel and time consuming. Is it possible to make the system accept odp files? or even open pptx files without the need to have powerpoint in the system please? Or is there something I am missing?
Posted by Samantha
July 31, 2020
Worship Extreme requires PowerPoint or Keynote to import PowerPoint presentations. Since neither of those apps are available for Linux, importing a presentation won't be possible on Linux.
Posted by Adam
July 31, 2020
One option for Linux is to import the presentation into Google Slides, then use Google Slides as the foreground in Worship Extreme.
Posted by Adam
April 29, 2024
This functionality is particularly important because the use of Linux (and not tying software into the need to purchase Microsoft or Apple licenses (or hardware)) is so important for (a) environmental stewardship reasons, and (b) keeping costs down for small churches in poor areas.
Posted by Jamie